To ensure the safety, enjoyment and well-being of our visitors, the following list of activities and behaviors are prohibited in and around The Rabbit hOle. Our code of conduct applies to all visitors regardless of age. Visitors who do not abide by the code of conduct will be required to leave the museum.
Visitors shall not engage in:
Disorderly conduct;
Running or screaming
Behavior that endangers one’s own safety or that of others;
Profane, offensive, abusive, or threatening language or behavior towards other guests and/or museum staff;
Fighting or hitting other visitors;
Hitting, punching or kicking the exhibits and sculptures;
Use of hate language or symbolism, including expressions targeted at race, nationality, gender identity, sexuality, religion, age, education, or physicality;
Tampering with, defacing, damaging, destroying and/or removing any museum property;
Other behavior determined by museum staff to be inappropriate.