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Dear friends:


It was 10 years ago, November 2014, when we formed our first board of directors and registered The Rabbit hOle as a nonprofit corporation. It took us nine of those years to raise the money, ready the building, assemble our team, secure the rights, and design and fabricate the museum’s initial exhibits to deliver what Time Magazine has named one of The World’s Greatest Places to visit in 2024.


National recognition of The Rabbit hOle in 2024 has included coverage from The New York Times, Bloomberg, People Magazine, Publishers Weekly, and the NBC Nightly News, among others. Since opening in March, we’ve welcomed more than 100,000 visitors from all 50 states and around the world, many of whom made special trips to Kansas City just to see the museum.


The accolades are wonderful and welcome, a testament to the extraordinary work being produced by our talented and growing staff. But more importantly our mission is being realized on a scale that has already exceeded expectations and will only grow larger with your continued support. 


In a world overwhelmed by digital distraction, visitors of all ages are reconnecting with books, sharing and discovering stories old and new, and recharging their relationship with literature. Seeing the way our exhibits bring people together around books feels like magic. Like an answer to a question we didn’t know how to ask.


It’s been an auspicious start to be sure, and our work has only just begun. For those of you who have followed along over the years, you know that The Rabbit hOle is a living thing, an evolving species of museum that will never be finished.


As we continue to grow the museum into the new year with additional immersive experiences opening on the second floor, an inaugural exhibition of original book art in our Discovery Gallery, and a rapidly expanding roster of program options for schools, families and educators taking shape this winter and spring, we ask that you consider making a gift to The Rabbit hOle this holiday season.


Your support of the project is more important than ever before. It’s critical that we capture the momentum of 2024 and ensure that The Rabbit hOle continues to be one of The World’s Greatest Places in 2025, 26, 27, 28…and so forth, until the world’s end.



With warmest regards,


Pete and Deb

Co-founders / Directors


Mail your donation to 919 E. 14th Avenue, North Kansas City, MO 64116
Gift a highly appreciated asset, such as stock

Consider a planned gift  or other type of deferred giving
Make a gift through your donor advised fund. 


If you hold your fund at the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, you can transfer donations directly to our Rabbit hOle Fund (acct#: rabb00)


Make a pledge over a two-to-five-year giving period

Thank you for your support!

Contact Pete Cowdin to find out more. 

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