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Field Trips

Field trips at The Rabbit hOle offer a completely unique literary experience for students. Our literature-based programs are designed to provide a wide range of opportunities for children to connect with books, book creators, and their own creative practices. Field trips at The Rabbit hOle create different access points to literature and ultimately seek to get kids excited about books. 


What will we do on a field trip or school visit? 

Students and teachers alike will learn more about children’s literature and the creators behind the impactful books featured in the museum.



Students will participate in a read aloud that connects with their selected field trip.



Students will explore the museum floor to discover exhibits and share information about the text and its creators.



Students will take part in a craft or hands-on learning experience that connects to the mentor texts and their creators.

Field Trip requests should be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance and no more than 6 months in advance. You will be notified of your field trip status within 10 business days upon receipt of request. 

Field Trips are available Tuesdays and Thursdays
9:00-10:30 a.m. session or 12:30-2:00 p.m. session

  • Led by Rabbit hOle staff, field trip programs may include time in the Tons of Fun Room, programming spaces and specific areas of the museum floor and bookstore.

  •  All field trip programs are 90 minutes in length

  • Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your scheduled time.

  • Please note that the field trip length will be extended based on any selected add-ons. 

Group size per booking: Field trips can be scheduled for a minimum of 8 students and up to a maximum of 40 students. On your field trip, students will be required to split into small groups of 8, led by chaperones. Each small group is referred to as a “pod.” 

  • 1 Pod = up to 8 students + 1 teacher or chaperone

We understand that not every class is divisible by 8, which is why pods contain up to 8 students and each pod must be paired before their visit with a teacher or chaperone. For example, if you are visiting with a class of 10 students, we would ask that you split your students into two pods of 5, each with a designated chaperone. 


  • We require 1 adult chaperone/teacher per “pod”; chaperones receive complimentary admission. Every chaperone should be paired ahead of time with their pod. 

  • Additional adults above the chaperone ratio will be charged admission at our group visit rate ($14/person) and may be asked to visit the Museum separately from the group. You can purchase tickets for up to 5 additional adults. One-on-one certified aides are admitted free of charge and are not included in the chaperone ratio. 



  • Field trip admission is $10.00 per student.

  • Payment must be made in one purchase through our ticketing system 48 hours after the ticketing link is sent. Tickets can not be refunded in the case that students or chaperones are absent on the day of the field trip. 

  • Title 1 funding information is released with limited availability, on a first come first serve basis. If your school is a Title 1 School and you would like to discuss the opportunity for a scholarship or funding, please be sure to note this in your field trip request form.

Printable Exhibit Book List

Spring session now full.

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