Kansas City civic leaders and activists
(+ Jon Scieszka)

Diane Power
Director, Ronald McDonald House
Community Activist/Volunteer

The country’s first National Ambassador for
Young People’s Literature and author of
The Stinky Cheese Man
Jon Scieszka

Billie Howard Barnes
Educator, The Pembroke Hill School;
Board member,
The Kansas City Public Library
Board Member The McDonnell Foundation,
Community Activist/Volunteer
Christine Fielder

President and Chief Creative Officer,
Ethan Whitehill

Youth Services Manager,
Johnson County Library
Angel Jewell Tucker

Attorney, Retired
Allen Blair

Deputy Director, Youth
& Family Engagement,
Kansas City Public Library
Crystal Faris

Senior Vice President,
Chief Operations Officer
Central Bank of Kansas City
Larry Taft

The Rabbit hOle was founded in 2015 by Pete Cowdin and Debbie Pettid, longtime artists and operators of the Reading Reptile, one of America’s most beloved children’s bookstores for nearly 30 years.
The Rabbit hOle enjoys the support of hundreds of award-winning authors and illustrators from around the country, giving it unprecedented access to the licensed content and properties that will populate its exhibitions. In addition, Cowdin and Pettid bring with them an extensive and fiercely loyal following within Kansas City’s educational community.