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Let's Take a Dive
Friday, 3/28, 5:30 - 7:00 PM

Let's Take a Dive: Art as Life & Life as Art - 21+

In this installment of Let’s Take a Dive, we will be exploring the lives and works of Ruth Stiles Gannett, Ruth Chrisman Gannett and Wanda Gág. These creators practiced their art in ways that were often fully intertwined with their lives — and their three lives existed adjacently to one another. Join us to learn more about the backgrounds of these women and better understand their significant contributions to the children’s book canon. After a guided tour in the museum, we will make papier-mâché animal head jars in the Tons of Fun Room. What will you make? A dragon? Monkey? Rhinoceros? 

Doors will open at 5:00 PM for drinks and socializing. The program will start at 5:30 PM with an introduction in the Lucky Rabbit Bookstore, followed by a guided tour and discussion in the museum. After the discussion, each guest will craft their own papier-mâché animal head jar. Each ticket includes a $5.00 book voucher to use at Lucky Rabbit Books.

This event is open to anyone aged 21+. Refreshments and light snacks will be included.

Please note:

- Outside of the guided tour, the museum floor will not be open for exploration.

- Ticket required for each guest.

- Lucky Rabbit Books will be open at the end of the event.

- Please contact a week before the event for any special accommodations.

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